Module Jekyll_liquid

module Jekyll_liquid: sig .. end
Jekyll Liquid templates parsing module

Liquid templates are a library for flexible web apps. The original library is in Ruby, and this module is currently just a partial implementation that handles certain tags such as code highlighting.

module Tags: sig .. end
val highlight_exn : ?f:(Tags.highlight option ->
Astring.String.sub -> Astring.String.sub) ->
Astring.String.sub -> Astring.String.sub
highlight body parses the body for Jekyll ` tags and applies f to them and substitutes the result into the tag body. The default f is Jekyll_liquid.highlight_markdown_code that transforms them into vanilla Markdown with no special highlighting except for a code segment.
val highlight_markdown_code : Tags.highlight option ->
Astring.String.sub -> Astring.String.sub
highlight_markdown_code s will wrap the code in s in a Markdown code segment. This can be parsed to Jekyll_liquid.highlight_exn as a sensible default.